Preventing pressure sores is an important task in caring for bedridden patients

Release time:

2024-11-18 14:24







       Pressure sores are discussed by many nursing staff. Preventing pressure sores is an important job for nursing staff during bedridden patient care. Therefore, pressure sore is also an important test site in basic nursing. Want to better understand pressure ulcers. We must first understand the staging of pressure sores and understand the characteristics of pressure sores at different times. The following small series of Huikang Medical in Suzhou will bring you to understand the four periods of pressure sore:

  One: congestion rosy period: This is the initial stage of pressure sores, the patient's local skin will be red, swollen or numb after being stressed or stimulated by moisture, and will not disappear in a short time. At this time, it is necessary to deal with it in time to effectively prevent pressure sores.

  II: Inflammatory infusion period: If there is no good treatment in the early stage of pressure ulcer, the red and swollen part of the patient will continue to be compressed, the blood can not be well circulated, the venous blood return is blocked, and the local congestion is caused by pressure. The surface of the skin is purplish red, which is prone to subcutaneous exudation and blisters. Moreover, the blisters are very easy to break. Once broken, the epidermis will fall off and expose the moist and rosy wounds. If some positive measures are still not taken at this time, the pressure sores will continue to develop.

  Three: shallow ulceration period: on the pathological basis of inflammatory infiltration, venous blood reflux further obstacles, local congestion leading to thrombosis, tissue ischemia and hypoxia, superficial tissue necrosis, infection, local pustule secretion, shallow formation Degree ulcers.

  Four: Necrotic ulcer period: This period is a serious period of pressure sores, human tissue will be further necrotic, purulent secretions increase, smelly. Normal tissue and necrotic tissue are clearly separated, and the ulcer spreads to the surrounding and deep, and can reach the periosteum or joint. If the bacteria are immersed in the blood circulation, it can cause sepsis and cause a whole blood infection.

  The above is probably the period of pressure sore formation. Preventing pressure sores must prevent it from the things it has not yet formed. Daily, the balloon cushion can be placed on the part where the patient is prone to pressure sore, which can effectively relieve the patient's skin pressure and prevent the occurrence of pressure sores.

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